Monday, February 19, 2007

Wasteful Homework

So as I worked through my homework today I came upon my Digital Design homework problems. This class is geared towards learning VHDL which is used for designing hardware. With the exception of one of the problems they were all time wasting assignments. When I get homework I expect it to take some thinking. I don't particularly enjoy paying for an education of simple cookie cutter assignments. And unfortunately thats what I got. I spent a good 4-5 hours this weekend on Analog Electronics homework, as opposed to maybe an hour on the Digital Design. But those 5 hours for 3 problems felt so much better then feeling like I was wasting my time. Ultimately anything that can be demonstrated in a large quantity of brainless problems can also be demonstrated with some sort of purposeful assignment. I would rather spend two to three times as much time on homework and feel like the end result was something worthwhile, then waste an hour on something a monkey could do. As far as I know engineers get paid for their ability to think and design, not their ability to go through silly exercises (though from what I hear some jobs end up like that). I don't aim to end up in a job doing silly mindless tasks, I need to think and solve problems or I'm not happy. Sorry for the rant, but I think there are people out there who agree. If a computer can do it, then why should I?


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