Thursday, February 08, 2007

Text Link Ads

Update: check here.

As I mentioned last night, I found out about another way of earning money advertising on your website. Text Link Ads works by placing a set of sponsered links on your website, and they pay you per 30 day rotation of each link. You could get $5 for every link on your site per month, regardless of clicks. This has an advantage over google where your earnings rely entirely on the quality and relevance of the ads that they place on your site. There is a disadvantage to this method of advertising, however, when I signed up for the service I was told my traffic does not meet their minimum traffic requirements. Apparently an average of 5 hits a day isn't enough for them ;). The site did offer to periodically check my traffic and email me when I do meet the requirements, so hopefully before too long I will be raking in some extra cash from Text Link Ads. So in conclusion, if you have more web traffic then me you should give this a try and make some extra cash. I hope this helps someone get closer to their dream of not needing to work anymore. Text Link Ads


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