Friday, August 25, 2006

Week Until School

So today marks the end of my second to last week working for Verizon Wireless. I have next week left, and next weekend will be attacked and brutally murdered by my move in to school. I should hopefully have more time to code once I'm back at school though. From what I've heard my job working for the facilities department won't be there waiting for me when I return to school so most likely ill pick up the extra 6-10 hours each week for coding or doing homework. Add in the extra weekends ill be spending at school and I should hopefully crank right along.

In other news I found another advertising provider that competes with Google adsense. Adster is different however, they provide flat rate advertising on specific pages. I think this kind of advertising would be great if I ran some sort of general knowledge website like a game review site or some set of guides and articles on a specific subject. As for now I think ill hold off and try and stick with google, I think it will work better for my situation.

As for this weekend my two main goals for programing are to: add another set of constructors for all my command classes, one that will allow AI controllers directly create commands more easily. Secondly I want to remove the hard coded factions and start storing them in the database and make them more changeable.

Also after next week I will be taking a crack at the Google Code Jam. Hopefully ill be able to get to the top 100 and make some cash to pay for my start up cost and server. If not then I hope I loose early and don't waste too much of my precious time. I think once I'm safely moved in ill try doing some simple practice exercises and maybe write some helper snippets that I can copy and paste in to make developing my solution for Code Jam more rapid to get more points.

And testing is still 3pm on Sunday. Get on the mailing list and tester group if you want a piece of that. We will also discuss the new name and ideas as well as the next few new positions ill be hiring for.

Anyway guys, ill post tomorrow about my progress.

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