Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The basic mapper is done for now. There is more functionality that could be there but I wont need it for a while so ill throw it back on my todo stack. I also made a few other minor changes.

I have grown the set of sites to post to once again: Ranking and Forums Forums and Listing Forums and Listing + Mini Banner
various roguelike and mud google groups

Please send suggestions if you have any ideas on good places to post links to this site!

I also noticed yesterday that google is running a programing contest with topcoder: Code Jam. I think ill try entering and see if I make it past the qualifing round into the top 1000 contestants. If I manage to make it into the top 100 then ill get to go to New York City to compete in the finals and win at least $750 dollars. Money for website and mud hosting! First place is $10000 which would be a sweet server and hosting for a while as well as business registration fees. Of course to compete in the two rouns before the top 100 and the championships ill need to miss some class, but I think computer engineering teachers would understand me missing class to destroy programmers from all over :)


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