Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Creeping Along

Slowly getting stuff done, I plan to really attack it this weekend. I keep coming up with ideas as I go so I really want to make sure this data storage stuff is perfect. Id rather change the hard stuff now then have to peruse many lines of code to make simple changes.

Here is the timeline for the rest of August.....

Weekend of 5th and 6th: Finishing data storage and internal refactoring.
Weekend of 12th and 13th: Improved Function Feedback, Improved Performance (nanoseconds wooo!), new javadoc, improving error framework.
Weekend of 19th and 20th: In Vermont Training (more woooo!)
Weekend of 26th and 27th: Coding data to map and map to data code, and the last test before I head back to school.

The rest of the year looks approximately like this:
September, October, Maybe Half of Novemer: Finish and Polish core... no testing due to school firewalls.
Second Half of Novemeber and Decemeber: Come up with a name for the game world, get listed on I also plan to starting hiring either story people or some people to help do documentation and help softcode things like socials. I also should be able to start coding content stuff like adding room types and items etc.
January: Heavy work on adding content. Massive testing because ill be home and have a lot of new stuff to work on.
February: Hopefully launch a website with money made from the blog because of the topmudsites voting.

Thats the overall plan, lets see if I can stick to it.


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