Monday, November 21, 2005

Melee Overview

The first part of combat will probably be the hardest to define. There will be many factors influencing melee combat. I havent yet written this part up, it could take me the rest of the week and beyond to complete. What I do know is this: weapons will have an impact. Quality weapons will do more damage, be less likely to break etc. Different weapon types will also impact combat. Spears will give a defensive advantage for example but suffering penalties indoors. I would like combat to be an unlocked system. Most muds ive played force you to use a flee command to leave the fight rather then just walking away. I hope to implement a system where the way you posture your weapon, your orientation to your target, and your opponent's posture and orientation will be the basis for combat. I want something that will be more of a thinking man's game when it comes to fighting, well mostly thinking, but a bit of fast reaction speeds. I might end up writting something on this level tomorrow about melee or I might try and think it through to a more in depth level. I have ideas on how orientation will play into fights but I have a lot of thinking to do. And remember with a system like this I intend to have it in such a way that in many cases if your armor or blocking skills arent adequate you might be dead when you get hit, looking for more realism and trying to balance abilities not stats. Anyways hopefully more tomorrow night. Im out.


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