Thursday, June 21, 2007

Scheduled for Completion

This weekend is shaping up to be a good weekend for coding. I intend on staying at school for the weekend instead of going home so I will have full access to my machine and a lot more free time to spare. There are four primary tasks I hope to tackle by Sunday night, preferably sooner so I can move even further along. This is what I am planning to do:

  1. Improve the pieces of dynamic that make use of the database so that the database connection info (usernames, passwords, and database names) can be more easily changed.

  2. Redesign the caching system. Currently the code eats up far too much CPU time when it is in it's idle state and this is unacceptable.

  3. Fix a few bugs in the help system, and possibly add a new command to improve the ability of players to search through and find information in the help files more easily.

  4. Finally I want to refactor some of the commands so that they fall under the correct packages. Potentially I may expand on this and also localize more of the command information in each command class itself. This might make adding and removing commands simpler. I may decide against this as the current system is relatively strong and I have forgotten some of the benefits since scheduling this back in January.

Once these tasks are complete the next tasks on my list involve more and more new features as opposed to just improvements on the old. By Sunday night I should be fully back in the groove and ready to really start cranking along.

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