Sunday, October 30, 2005


Today I decided to primarily tackle the issue of time. There is a lot to think about when it comes to how time plays into everything else in a game. It especially matters when the world has limited lifespans and limited means of travelling far distances.

This is how time will work. "Day and Night will pass based on this in a way proportional to an estimated total planet size in comparison to how much of the world is available on the map. Passage of time during a game year will be a bit fuzzier. A game year is equal to a full real day. Game years will have names and symbols in a way similar to the Chinese zodiac. A game year will consist of 240 game days, each will be 10 minutes long. There will be 12 game months, each with a name. Each game month will be 20 game days long and thus about 3 1/3 hours long. A game week will be 6 game days long and thus an hour of real-life time." Yeah thats a quote, im lazy and dont want to rewrite it seperate for this.

Also got to starting player stuff, got a basic list of skills down. I now have a total of 23 pages or so in the spec. Im thinking this week will be basicly dedicated to finishing off the player stuff, not sure if it'll be done or not come friday but I think it's a good goal. Once again feel free to post a comment, any input I get could help a lot in refining features or maybe bring up new ones. For example my bro suggested something that would work well with the adrenaline system I got in mind that would allow experienced combatants to have a 'battle calmness' that would help reduce fumbling and stuff. Anyways im out.


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