Humanoid Entities
So I actually got more stuff done, seems im almost making time for myself instead of filling it. I wrote up all the properties for humanoid entities today, putting the spec at a full 25 pages. This now includes lists of skills and attributes. Also wrote about the cool logout system where players will still be available to be killed when they arent connected(Makes you want to be in a clan doesnt it?). That system also includes the potential for a means of letting players know when their chars are at risk for an added service fee. I also wrote about lifespans, bloodlines, real-death, genetic traits and auto-description.
Anyone who knows about this project either already knows or should know that all characters are intended to be vulnerable to death, making it a big part of the game. Players also will have maximum lifespans to keep players balanced. This also keeps people from over investing time and becoming junkies(tho is this bad for a game? :P ).
Bloodlines will be the main unit of player grouping in the game. Each tribe has a leader, some elders and a bunch of other players and NPC's. I wrote up a heir system where players can select their heir to their leadership position. Each bloodline will have characteristic genetic traits. Traits will mutate with time and be passed on to your kids, controlling both appearance but predisposition to attributes including magic as well. And finally the autodescription thing will use the traits to generate descriptions and survey messages that will be accurate to the individual.
I am hoping to complete the rest of the humanoid entities section this week. The more and more I mess around with this the more I wish I was playing it. I also think I might be starting to look for a webmaster/webdeveloper to design and maintain a website for me in the next month so stay tuned!