Finals Almost Here
The semester is almost over! Couple more weeks... more exams then I want to think about, then im done for a little bit.... before I go back for an even harder semester. As it is now, im thinking that next semester I can't really count on getting anything done on dynamic. It might happen, but if I don't think i'll do anything for it and I get something done then it's a bonus not a disappointment.
I've been thinking about winter break and I think im pretty sure about what I'd like to work on. I would like to work on persistance issues, connecting the save code and the world code more closely. I think i'll also fill in a good chunk of the world data and room types. If I have more time i'll move on to doing similar persistance stuff with beings and items. Once I do get this set of stuff done however the core will be in really good shape. I would imagine that I could pretty easily start building off of that and really get something playable, at least to the old level, that would be at least fun enough to test. Progress always feels good, so im hoping i'll be able to make a lot of it this January.
Until finals are done I probably wont be back, i'll make sure to make it known when I start coding again.